
Unit list in Clash of Clans (2)

Clash of Clans is a popular mobile game all over the world. Many players are seeking tips and tricks to master this game. Now I am gonna share some tips with you. Hope you can use these tips on 9game. Also you can check out 9Apps and find some interesting apps.
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Clash of Clans – Unit List

If you plan on playing Clash of Clans for a while, you’ll want to get a good grasp on the units you’ll be going into battle with. A good amount of your time on the game isn’t spent farming elixir and gold with your mines and elixir collectors, but rather with battle. If you know how to properly use your troops, there is no limit to what you can do in Clash of Clans. You can fill up your elixir and gold storage in a matter of minutes if you attack properly and use your troops effectively.

If you’re a new player, or want to know more about troops you already have, this unit list will definitely be able to aid you in choosing the right troops for combat, as well as choosing good troops to pair together when attacking an opponent. We’ll go in-depth about every single normal unit in the game. Surely by the time you finish reading through this list, you’ll have a good grasp on every single normal troop in the game, and you’ll be ready to dive straight into battle on Clash of Clans. Throughout this unit list we’ll give little tips and hints for using the troops as well so you’ll be able to get the maximum effectiveness out of each troop. Without further ado, let’s move onto the list!


As you’ll notice with all of the tier 2 units, they’re more specialized than the tier 1 or (later on) the tier 3 units. The giant does what you’d expect it to do. They have tons of health, and are basically used as a juggernaut capable of sustaining huge amounts of damage. The giant is one of the most dangerous units in Clash of Clans if used properly. You can use a giant in the early stages of the game to distract enemy attacking forces while your barbarians, goblins, or archers promptly take out the rest of the enemy forces.

Giants are best when paired with goblins, archers, and wall breakers. Although giants are very strong and can take a lot of damage, they don’t necessarily dish it out. That’s where wall breakers, archers, and goblins come in. Try sending in a giant or two along with some wall breakers. Let the wall breakers do the initial damage, destroying the enemy walls, and then have the giants walk straight through the holes the wall breakers left. After the giants have taken the attention of attacking enemy forces, send in your goblins and archers to clean up the rest.


Like the giant, the wall breaker is also a very specific unit with one main task in mind: taking out enemy walls. Wall breakers are just about the most useful supporting unit in the game, but you have to use them properly or they’ll be useless. If you can learn to time your wall breakers right, they can be the difference between a successful victory with a great trophy yield and a failed attack. Try to send them in between mortar strikes so they aren’t taken out easily.

To use wall breakers properly, send in a few other units beforehand. You want your wall breaker to make it to the enemy wall unscathed, and the only way to ensure this is to make sure the enemy forces are busy attacking other units. Try sending in a few barbarians, goblins, or giants as a “wall breaker sacrifice”, as we like to call it.

They may go down, but the wall will be destroyed in no time. After you have easy access into the enemy base, it’s game over for them. They won’t be able to stop you or slow you down any further. It’s worth losing a giant or two or a few barbarians/goblins if you’re able to get into the enemy base.


Once you unlock the balloon you might be ecstatic that you finally have something to take out those pesky enemy mortars and cannons, but sadly you’ll find that, putting it lightly, the balloon unit sucks at first. You’ll find that it’s immensely slow, deals little to no damage, and frankly isn’t worth the 8 minutes it takes to train it.

We’d suggest upgrading your balloons a few times before actually using them. Feel free to try them out once just to see what we’re talking about, but after that we’d recommend staying far away from the balloons until you can take the time to upgrade them to level five. Once they’re at level five they become pretty stellar to use.

Try using balloons with the rage spell for maximum effectiveness. A level five or six balloon with the rage spell can do some serious damage to enemy forces. They’ll be moving incredibly quickly, and destroying anything your enemy has in their way in seconds as long as they’re upgraded to level five or above. Try taking 5 or so balloons, equipping them with the rage spell, and watching what they can do. It’s a real treat, and it’s one of the best ways you can use balloons in the game.


If you liked the archer, you’re going to love the wizard. The wizard is essentially similar to the archer, except on steroids. They have more health, deal more damage, and let’s be real, wizards look a lot cooler than archers too. You can utilize wizards in a lot of the same ways that you used your archers, but they’ll just get the job done better. They do cost a little over 4 times the elixir that an archer does, and they take eight minutes to train, but if you can get over the cost, you’ll find yourself loving the wizard.

Try pairing up the wizard with a few giants or P.E.K.K.As to enforce the maximum amount of damage on your opponent. Send in the supporting juggernauts to protect your wizards, and let them do the damage. Another great strategy is to drop a few wizards, along with two healers to keep them afloat. This is a great strategy as enemy forces simply will not be able to take down your army.

You’ll run right through the enemy. They won’t even know what hit them. One thing you’ll want to watch out for with wizards is giant bombs. To avoid this, simply scatter your wizards a bit, instead of dropping them all in the same spot.

Hope this article can help you in some way. If you don't play Clash of Clans, you can download on 9game.

