
Tips to build a strong team in FIFA15 Ultimate Team (1)

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is the latest mobile game that lets you play as your favorite footy/soccer players. And you can download it on 9game easily. Now read on for some tips and tricks for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team for the iOS and Android platforms!

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Practice all of your skills.
You can have the best players in the world, but that will mean not-a-damn-thing unless you know how to use them. Choose a control style, and then practice every skill you have in order to be able to use them in the middle of the game. Little skills, such as knowing how to slide-tackle without getting a yellow card, really count (for that matter, slide and kick the ball but not the attacking player and you will avoid a card).

Minimize the negative impact when you put a player out of position.
Look at their statistics. If their offense-oriented statistics are high, put them on offense; defensive statistics being high means that they should go on the defense, while high speed and passing mean they should go in the center. Plus, use that “foot” rating – a green foot is best while a red foot is worst. An orange foot is somewhere in between/average.

Load up on gold cards right from the beginning.
You don’t have to spend much time toiling around with bronze cards, or even silver cards, because right from the beginning you get loaded up with so many gold cards that you can almost always build your entire team with them, provided they are in the right formation. While there are other factors at play, using the most statistically blessed cards is the best way to start.

Never forget about player chemistry.
Player chemistry is calculated in two ways. A player’s chemistry will be affected by those who are immediately next to them. Playing for the same nation, for the same league, and for the same team are how players have chemistry with each other. Plus, putting players in the right position will maximize their chemistry.

Change formation based upon who you have and on your style of play.
Pay attention to everyone’s location in a position. Stacking up your offense will mean scores will be higher but so will points against your team, and vice versa for high defenses. A strong middle means that you can put LOADS of pressure both on opposing defenses and opposing offenses.

Available free on 9gameFIFA 15 Ultimate Team is a game you should install today. 

