
COC Farming Strategies: Barb/Arch (Barbarians, Archers)

COC Farming Strategies: Barb/Arch (Barbarians, Archers)

Clash of Clans is spreading like a virus across the world. After topping the charts of every game store, this game saw many clones emerging in different styles. If you want to play the war in real world with Clash of Clans well, you must know a lot about strategies. If you want to have a try, you can download it via 9game easily.

'Farming' at its core is the tactic of ignoring the quest to gain trophies and focussing on gaining loot instead. Generally most farmers will focus on gaining gold, however it is also possible to farm for Elixir or Dark Elixir depending on your needs. Trophy level are not completely irrelevant however as different levels will (on average) hold different strengths of bases and quantities of loot depending on your townhall level. Farming strategies will be covered in more depth in a later guide.

Barb/Arch (Barbarians, Archers)

As indicated by the name the army composition is primarily Barbarians and Archers with possible a few wallbreakers thrown in depending on taste. The primary goal of a Barb/Arch army is to produce a fast and cheap army that allows you to attack very frequently at low cost.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The major strength of the Barb/Arch army is its very low cost and fast production speed. This make it ideal for farming for Elixir as the cost to produce the troops is so low. It is also a great strategy to employ when you have a fair amount of free time and can attack very frequently.

Download Clash of Clans for free via 9game.

However, its greatness strength also leads to its weakness, which is that as a low cost and fast army it is also moderately weak on attack and can be wiped out by bases with strong splash damage.

A common strategy with the Barb/Arch army is to take out the main splash defence (usually Mortars) with Lightning Spells before attacking. If you are going to employ this strategy it is best to decide to do this straight away, as generally if you leave it until halfway through the battle it is too late and half your troops are already gone.

Dropping barbarians in an arc to avoid splash damage

Drop troops in a line or arc to avoid splash damage.

Bases to Target

The Barb/Arch army excels at attacking just collectors for loot. If the collectors are on the outside you can drop a few barbs, or if they are behind walls you can use some archers. Generally it takes about 5-10 archers to take out a collector (depending on levels) and it is a good idea to drop them in an arc around each collector so that a mortar or wizard tower doesn't take them out all at once. The best bases are ones where all the collectors are in a line on the outside - you can actually drop less troops per collector because the defence fire will be split between the entire line of troops and will take them down slower.

You can also, however use the Barb/Arch army to attack medium strength bases with full storages. The tactic is to drop a line of barbarians first and then follow up with a line of archers behind them. You spread all the troops out to make them less susceptible to splash damage (from Mortars and Wizard Towers) as these are their biggest threat. Don't drop all your troops at once, release them in waves of Barbarians and then Archers behind so that they don't cluster up.

It is generally a good idea to focus on one side of the base only, as splitting up your attack strength will actually expose you to more fire at once and will reduce your overall effectiveness.

Remember the primary goal of Barb/Arch is speed and efficiency - so if you don't need all your troops, or if dropping more will not get your much more loot then save them for the next attack!

Download Clash of Clans for free via 9game.

Watch out for!

The main thing to watch out for with Barb/Arch is splash damage. Avoid any bases with well placed high level mortars or wizard towers. If you do have to attack these towers make sure you drop troops in an arc around them so that the towers can't target all your troops at once. Mortars also have a small radius at their base where they can't attack, so if you can get barbarians into this radius you can take them down without retaliation. Also, now that big bombs are cheaper many players have started using them - if there are empty spaces within a base that look like they might have traps try to deploy a small amount of troops there first to set them off.

High level Mortars and Wizard Towers will destroy a Barb/Arch army with ease

Available free on 9gameClash of Clans is a game you should install today.

