
Ten offensive tips for Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is such a hot game that you can see it on people's mobile around. It's a exciting action and strategy game. Anyone who is interested in it can download it from 9game officially. Now I am gonna share you some offensive tips.

There are some useful offensive tips listed below. Look through them and may help you in some way.

  • You can also tell if the Inferno Tower is operational or not by the presence of the flame on it and the color of the tower itself. See Inferno Tower for images.
  • The Lightning Spell can be used to destroy or weaken a defense or Heroes, or take out Clan Castle troops once they are outside of the Clan Castle.
  • Raiding people with high level Town Halls normally gives you more loot, but also gives them the opportunity to "Revenge" attack you later.
  • If you are looking for Dark Elixir and you are not concerned with trophy loss, you can use a Lightning Spellagainst the storage and/or drills.
  • You can use a Freeze Spell on a strong defense (i.e. the Inferno Tower) so your weaker units can destroy it and/or pass through.
  • You can use Goblins to set off any Hidden Teslas, Spring Traps or Bombs in the way. Goblins are the fastest troop in the game, they can be made very quickly and cost a minimal amount of Elixir.
  • You can tell if the X-Bow is set to ground only or air and ground by the way it is elevated. You can also tell if it is full or empty by the presence/lack of a bowstring and Elixir magazine. See X-Bow for images.
  • Do not center a Healing Spell on a moving target. Use it a little in front of the troops that you want to heal. This way you can ensure that the troops will stay inside its radius longer and the Healing Spell would not go to waste. The same goes for Rage and Jump Spells.
  • Beware of people who appear to be farmers by putting their Town Hall outside their walls. If you attack them, they may "Revenge" attack you and steal your resources when you have plenty of them. Be especially watchful of farmers who have Barracks that can train tier 3 troops if your level is lower than theirs (they are more experienced and their buildings are more upgraded).
  • When the Healer is not available for training (when your Barracks are upgrading or when you haven't unlocked it in your Barracks), two Healing Spells work well as a replacement. For example, when yourGiants are low on health, you can use a Healing Spell to heal them, and then use a second Healing Spelllater when your Giants are weak again.

Why not to download this and apply my tips into it?

