
Offensive Tips For Clash Of Clans

As we all know,Clash of Clans is one of the hottest game in the world. And you can see it on many people'mobile around you. Also there are lots of tips online. However, I want to conclude some useful offensive tips for you and hope they can help you. Besides I found that this game can be downloaded easily on 9game.

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  1. During a raid, you can end the battle without losing trophies as long as you haven't deployed anything and the button does not say "Surrender", instead it will say "End Battle".
  2. The maximum amount of resources you can raid during multiplayer battles are 50% of resources stored in the gold/elixir collectors, 75% of Dark Elixir stored in Dark Elixir Drills, 4-6% (depending on the opponent's Town Hall level) of Dark Elixir stored in Dark Elixir Storage (up to a maximum of 2,000-3,000), plus 10-20% of Gold/Elixir Storage (up to a maximum of 200,000-400,000) and 100% of what is stored in the Town Hall. Note that the available loot is reduced if the opponent has a Town Hall which is lower than yours. See Loot for a detailed explanation.
  3. You get 1 star for destroying an opponent's Town Hall or reaching 50% total damage. At that point you may claim victory and end the battle with 1 star, or continue battling to earn the remaining 2 stars. The second star is earned when you achieve the other original objective (either destroying the Town Hall or achieving 50% total damage, whichever you did not achieve for your first star). You get the third star for destroying everything (walls are not included). You can get the full amount of trophies only if you get 3 stars in a raid. (It is impossible to get more than one star in a raid without destroying the opponent's Town Hall.)
  4. Once you deploy a troop during attack it must be replaced, even if it survives the battle. This discourages players from attacking with more troops than necessary to achieve their objectives. The only exception to this is Heroes.
  5. Barracks will continue to produce troops while you're raiding an enemy village, so it is advisable to starttroop production for your next battle before you begin a raid. However, if you return home before you raid another village, these troops will not be produced.
  6. You can tell if the X-Bow is set to ground only or air and ground by the way it is elevated. You can also tell if it is full or empty by the presence/lack of a bowstring and Elixir magazine. See X-Bow for images.
  7. Raiding people with high level Town Halls normally gives you more loot, but also gives them the opportunity to "Revenge" attack you later.
  8. The Lightning Spell can be used to destroy or weaken a defense or Heroes, or take out Clan Castle troops once they are outside of the Clan Castle.
  9. If you are looking for Dark Elixir and you are not concerned with trophy loss, you can use a Lightning Spellagainst the storage and/or drills.
  10. You can use a Freeze Spell on a strong defense (i.e. the Inferno Tower) so your weaker units can destroy it and/or pass through.
  11. Do not center a Healing Spell on a moving target. Use it a little in front of the troops that you want to heal. This way you can ensure that the troops will stay inside its radius longer and the Healing Spell would not go to waste. The same goes for Rage and Jump Spells.
  12. You can use Goblins to set off any Hidden Teslas, Spring Traps or Bombs in the way. Goblins are the fastest troop in the game, they can be made very quickly and cost a minimal amount of Elixir.
  13. Clan Castle Troops will only engage once a troop moves into the Clan Castle's radius. These troops can easily ruin an attack, so lure them out by using a Giant, Wall Breaker, Hog Rider or Barbarian.
  14. Never underestimate an empty spot within an enemy's base. Traps or Hidden Teslas may be hiding there.
  15. Multiple Level 4+ Lightning Spell can easily take out even the strongest Mortar and Wizard Tower. If a defense has the majority of their Mortars and Wizard Towers adjacent to each other, use your Lightning Spell to take them out. You then have very little worry about area splash damage.
  16. You can use Jump spells to get over annoying walls If you are having trouble destroying them. Hog Riders and flying troops are not affected by walls, so you can use these troops as an alternative. If you still are having issues, use Wall Breakers to destroy walls.
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With these useful tips you can download this game on 9game and enjoy it!

