
Clash of Clash Tips for Beginner(2)

  Clash of Clans is a popular strategy action game. Here,I am going to show you Clash of Clans tips for beginners found in 9game which make it easier to play the game.

  Don’t Upgrade Your Town Hall Too Fast
There is a right time to upgrade your Clash of Clans town hall.
It is tempting to upgrade your Clash of Clans town hall as soon as you can afford to, but you don’t want to do this. The higher your town hall level is, the less loot you earn from raids and when you attack other players you earn less loot if they have a lower town hall level than you. The amount you can steal when your town hall is at level 10 is half of what you can steal in the first five levels.
As you start, you should upgrade your buildings to max levels before upgrading your Clash of Clans town hall. After you do that, upgrade the town hall when you can. Keep in mind that there is no penalty for upgrading up to level 5, so once you reach that level you will need to decide when the right time to upgrade to a Clash of Clans level six town hall is.
  Learn How to Attack in Clash of Clans
You will need to balance defense and attacks in Clash of Clans to succeed and get enough resources to upgrade. There are a variety of Clash of Clans army strategies, but you can use a bit of strategy to know which troops to upgrade first and how to compose an attack army. The video below lays out one of the best ways to upgrade your Clash of Clans troops.
You also need to know where to attack and how to attack in Clash of Clans. You can’t direct your troops once they are on the ground. This makes Clash of Clans strategy something you need to do before you start placing troops.
Some troops, like Barbarians, will run right to the closest building. This leaves them open to attack from a mortar or other defense that is just a few steps further away. If this is the case you need to send giants in first or wall breakers to allow a path into the base.
Another part of the Clash of Clans strategy for beginners is to look where to attack. You can use visual cues to learn where to attack and what you need to do to take it. The video below shows a higher level town hall, but you can use this Clash of Clans strategy to get started.
You’ll also note that you don’t need to deploy all of your army at once. This lets you take out defenses and play each unit to their strengths. This player does a good job of explaining why he is taking each step. Eventually you will learn to find the spots where weapons can’t reach and you can learn this as you start by placing one troop to see if weapons can hit them.
After you get started you will need to adjust your troops and your strategy to go for trophies or for resources. If you are attacking for resources this is commonly called “farming” as you are farming resources.

