Have you ever played the casual game My Talking Tom? It acts as a real pet of you,having its emotion and repeat your words like a humorous friend. Today, 9game provide you some useful tips and cheats to help you look after your pets better.
My Talking Tom is a new virtual pet app for the iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms. This game allows you to be a virtual cat owner, except that unlike cats in real life, your new tomcat will actually talk. Other than the talking aspect, you also have to feed your cat, put it to sleep, take it to the bathroom, and play with it. You can even purchase all new fur and eyes for the cat, new furniture, new toys for the cat to play with, and more using the coins found in the game. Read on for some tips and tricks for My Talking Tom!
You will earn a lot of bonus points for taking care of your cat, but it takes a while until your cat is ready to have food, go to sleep, go to the bathroom, and whatever else you need to do to take care of it. Speed that process along by setting the time ahead on your phone or tablet. Then, go back to the app and the cat will be ready to get taken care of.
Mouse-catching Game
Unlike other games of this nature you do not have to worry about timing at all. Keep spamming finger taps on the busiest lane and you will catch all the mice with ease. To get some coins, just keep tapping on the lane and they will eventually move up towards Tom, once they are nearby another tap will win you the cash
Getting More Food
It is easy to overfeed your cat in Talking Tom as even though he or she is at 100% they still accept food and so you are wasting it. Keep a close eye on the hunger levels and top us as needed.
Go to the kitchen and then tap anywhere on the screen that isn’t your cat. Different foods, potions and treats ahve a different impact on your cat’s hunger levels, so make sure you know what bonuses are available to help you solve a problem you may be having. Note that you will not be able to access certain food until you level up your cat.
Playing With Your Cat
Playing With Your Cat
It is not as simple as feeding and sheltering your cat, it also needs some attention. To play with your cat tap on him and his play time happiness will work its way up towards 100%. As mentioned above with food you cannot exceed the 100% so once your cat is at 100% concentrate on something else.
Changing Your Cat’s Name
Changing Your Cat’s Name
Make sure that the name you select at the begining of the game is the name you really want as you cant reset it once you have chosen.
Sending Your Cat To Sleep
Your cat needs plenty of rest and this can be pretty boring. Anytime you go off to do something other than play the game, head to the bed section and let your cat get some shut eye whilst your absent. You must make sure the light switch is off by tapping on the lampshade though- if you don’t, your cat wont sleep.
Redecorating The Kitchen
Redecorating The Kitchen
Tap on the shopping trolley icon, and then tap on the Kitchen. Here you can change the wallpaper, blinds, refrigerator type and tablecloth. These are only cosmetic changes, so you may find you want to spend your coins elsewhere first. Certain items only become available when you have reached a certain level.
You can give your cat a hat, glasses, change his fur type, and the color of his eyes. Again, you can only buy certain outfits when you have reached a certain level.
Do you konw how to look after your cat now? Invite your friends to download My Talking Tom at 9game and have fun!
Do you konw how to look after your cat now? Invite your friends to download My Talking Tom at 9game and have fun!